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About SkyNet IoT Coverage and Gateways

SkyNet IoT is a decentralized network providing reliable, secure connectivity for IoT devices worldwide. Our coverage is built on a foundation of our own strategically placed gateways, supplemented by decentralized networks, creating a robust and adaptable infrastructure.

Mapping Coverage

We actively map our network on SF7, the most energy-efficient mode for connected sensors. This helps us visualize current coverage, identify strong areas, and pinpoint where improvements are needed, optimizing our network for various sectors like smart cities, rural development, and industrial applications.


Connected Gateways Map

In addition to our coverage map, we offer a real-time map showing all currently connected gateways within the SkyNet IoT network. These gateways are the backbone of our infrastructure, supporting IoT devices across multiple locations. The map provides insights into network density, potential expansion areas, and overall network health.


Get Involved

You can contribute to our coverage mapping using devices like the SenseCap T-1000 and TTGO T-Beam with SkyNet IoT mapper software. Your participation helps us accurately map coverage and identify areas for future network expansion.


Join Us

Start mapping today with the SenseCap T-1000 or TTGO T-Beam and help build a global IoT network. Your contributions are essential to optimizing SkyNet IoT's coverage.

Start Mapping SkyNetIoT

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